What does it all mean?

That’s heavy stuff

So this cancer thing, does it mean that I’m not going to get old?

Probably, we don’t really know but the vet things we can get you another 2 years at the most. Maybe more if we are lucky.

Two years is a long time in dog-years though. That doesn’t sound too bad. But what about my leg, will it grow back?

No, I’m afraid not. That’s where the cancer was so it had to go to hopefully stop it spreading.

Wow, I’m glad you didn’t tell me that beforehand. Having a leg amputated was hectic!

Sorry my boy, the other option was to do nothing and if we’d done that you probably wouldn’t be talking to me now.

So three legs it is. A bit difficult to chase on three legs but I don’t think I do a bad job of it.

You certainly are coping well even if Tia out runs you.

Hmm, yes, that is a bit difficult to stomach.

Now that I’ve finished the chemotherapy, will I have to go back for anything else?

The vet says he wants to see you in a few weeks for a checkup; to see if the cancer has spread to your lungs.

I’m not sure if I want to know the answer to that.

Nor am I.

All this treatment, it was expensive wasn’t it?

It was a lot by today’s standard. But you are worth it.

What do you mean by today’s standard?

Well, back in the days when we used real US dollars I had a lot more money.

So what’s happened?

The government stole all the money.

Wow, that’s not very nice, what have they done with it?

Who knows, used it to spend on themselves and have a bigger collection than the next person.

Well, you still have me. And here’s to luck.

Yes, I still have you. Here’s to luck.